Monthly Archives: April 2015

secret ceremony

Secret Ceremony

Elizabeth Taylor and Mia Farrow in Secret Ceremony. Joseph Losey. 1968.

record labels

Louie Louie

Louie Louie. The Kingsmen whose Jack Ely, a guy who turned in one of the great deranged rock vocals, died yesterday at age 71. 1963.

on your sleeve

I Want You

I Want You. Bob Dylan. 1966.


The Reivers

The Reivers. Mark Rydell. 1969.

truffaut directs

400 Blows

François Truffaut during the making of The 400 Blows. 1959.

cover art

January 1968

Bette Davis in The Anniversary. Roy Ward Baker. 1968.

that island inner sleeve

Island oneIsland 2Island three


dig the critics

Too Many Films For Real

The Face. July 1999.



Alfred Abel in Metropolis. Fritz Lang. 1922.


Wedding March

Erich von Stroheim in The Wedding March. 1928.