Category Archives: zabriskie point

zabriskie point

Zabriskie Point

Daria Halprin and Rod Taylor (who died yesterday at age 84) in Zabriskie Point. Antonioni. 1970.

I realize that this is a pretty crummy photo of Taylor but the stills photographer on Zabriskie Point seems to have favored Daria.

dig the critics

Jerusalem FileJerusalem File review

That other Daria Halprin-starring movie reviewed in Playboy. May 1972.

zabriskie point

Zabriskie Point

Spoiler alert: Daria, with her back to the camera, witnesses the film’s climax. Antonioni. 1970.

“daris” halprin

Daria and Mark

Films and Filming. January 1969.

now released as a soundtrack

July 1970

Zabriskie Point soundtrack now available (with adjacent item mentioning Joanna, Donald Sutherland and Paul Mazursky).

Films and Filming. July 1970.


Antonioni. 1970.

america has changed me

Zabriskie Point

Films and Filming. January 1970.

haven’t seen it

Many Wars Ago, that other movie with Mark Frechette. Francesco Rosi. 1970.

cute couple alert

Daria Halprin and Mark Frechette. 1970.

cover art

Well, well, well look who it is. Mark Frechette in one of his 2 post-Zabriskie Point roles: Many Wars Ago. Francesco Rosi. 1970.