Monthly Archives: June 2009

delphine seyrig is fucking amazing

The other day, I re-read a fantastic interview with Delphine Seyrig in the Autumn 1969 issue of Sight and Sound. This is the only interview with or article on her that I’ve ever seen. It turns out that she had quite the life: she was in that Beat film, Pull My Daisy; she was present at part of the shooting of the last film in which Keaton starred; and she worked with many a huge name director in Europe throughout the 1960s (and usually turned in a performance that managed to knock my socks off). I figured rather than try to summarize this interview, I might as well just post the whole thing here. Please enjoy.

(Above) Resnais and Seyrig on the set of Marienbad. 1961.

Keaton as photographed by Resnais in New York City. Film. 1965.

Seyrig in Resnais’s unmissable Muriel. 1963.

In Chantal Akerman’s Jeanne Dielman. 1975.

With Marguerite Duras on the set of India Song. 1975.

cover art

daria halprin strikes back

While looking for something else, I came across these photos of our dear friend Daria Halprin in one of her two non-Zabriskie Point roles, 1972’s The Jerusalem File.

Because I am doing next to no “research,” I’m having a hard time sorting out the particulars on her departure from and return to Hollywood but according to a more poorly-written than most wikipedia entry, Halprin decided to leave the commune and found conditions in Hollywood tolerable enough to make one more film for “the man” before jacking it in and leaving the film biz forever—let’s assume she went to another commune. Our relative loss was, I’m sure, the commune’s gain. (And let’s not forget about that child that she had with Hip Hopper whom she was married to from 1972 until 1976. Could you imagine calling those two mom and dad?)

This film apparently isn’t in the thoughts of many as it has only sixteen votes on imdb (it’ll never join the illustrious likes of The Dark Knight and Shawshank Redemption on the imdb top two hundred and fifty that way!) and it seems as though it was never released for home consumption in any format. Anyway, here are the pics. I have no idea what my fixations with this Halprin chick or her groovy anti-establishment Zabriskie Point costar are all about but fixations exist. I’m pretty sure that they are comic fixations though. Having said that, since my initial viewing of Zabriskie Point, I’ve probably watched it five times since. It’s a love hate relationship I have with that flick.

UPDATE: While re-reading this post this morning (typos galore! What was I on last night?), I realized I never looked for a pic of The Hopper/Halprin Connection (as I hear they liked to be called). Found one! A charming couple.

mick and keith

The Rolling Stones on the Paris-Marseille train. June 1965.

cover art

Thanks to the recent DVD release of Jean Luc Godard’s bra-fixated Une femme mariée, I was able to fill a pretty crucial gap in my early Godard last night. And goddamn he could seemingly do no wrong in 1964. As usual, the bare bones Koch Lorber DVD edition left a lot to be desired but I’m happy just to have seen it and while googling today, I realized that Masters of Cinema recently released it—I guess that goes to show how often I check their website or feel the need to as it seems to me that updates on it are few and far between. I might have to invest in the MOC DVD. Above we have Macha Méril, the film’s star. What a fox. I know that she and this film are featured heavily in 1964/5 issues of Sight and Sound. I’ll dig through them and see what I can come up with. Expect another post on this flick.

san francisco

San Francisco. Anthony Stern. 1968.

bogdanovich directs

Peter Bogdanovich and Boris Karloff in Bogdanovich’s debut film Targets. 1968.

more french apples

German All Together Now

I spend my days looking at Apple Records releases from around the world so you don’t have to! Most of these are French unless otherwise noted. But we’ll begin above in Germany where “All Together Now” was released as a single (news to me). Below, we have a few Lennons. None of them are all that though I recently found out that the picture that adorns this “Be-Bop-A-Lula” single (and the Rock and Roll LP) was found by May Pang at the first Beatlesfest. As usual, all of these images are from ebay.

French Be-Bop-A-LuLa

French Whatever Gets

Here are two French Wings singles. “Junior’s Farm” and the elusive (or, more accurately, always overpriced) “Hi Hi Hi” picture sleeve featuring the band in some seriously great outfits.

Junior's Farm France

hi hi hi France

“Hi Hi Hi” in Portugal:

hi hi hi portugal

My most recent obsession has been with these awesome looking “Eat at Home” singles. I’ll have to pick up a few eventually. The cover art on some of them feature the same picture as the “Another Day” single which I went on about a while back.

Spain (not on Apple!):

Eat at Home Spain

Italy has the best one:

Eat at Home Italy


Eat at Home Germany

I don’t remember where this one is from but the orange Apple works (probably Stateside):

Eat At Home

Speaking of Ram, I think one of the Beatles photo blogs posted this a few weeks ago but I can’t quite remember which one. I have no idea if it is a legitimate ad or not. If it is, it’s great. If it’s some fan designed thing it is horribly lame.

ram ad

All hail the brilliant French “Something” single! Pretty mind-blowing stuff here.

French Something

Plastic Ono Band’s “Mother.” Sharp picture:

French Mother

A French “Hey Jude” similar to the French sleeves I posted last time I did something like this:

French Hey Jude

Did Ringo lose a bet (in France)?

French It Don't Come Easy

This Billy Preston cover is pretty exciting:

Billy Preston France

Yoko repeats herself:

French Yoko

A pretty great “Mind Games”:

French Mind Games


Jane Fonda as Barbarella.

Pygar the Angel (John Phillip Law) takes Barbarella (Jane Fonda) into Sogo, the city of evil.

Anita Pallenberg as the Black Queen.

Barbarella and Pygar in captivity.

When Barbarella’s spaceship crashlands on a huge snow lake, she is captured by a pair of twins (Marie Therese and Catherine Chevallier) and led away with bound hands.

Escaping by a secret tube from the birdcage, Barbarella finds herself in the secret headquarters of Dildano (David Hemmings), the revolutionary cheiftain of Sogo.

Jane Fonda, John Phillip Law and Anita Pallenberg in Roger Vadim’s Barbarella. 1968.


I found this picture in a late 60s Films and Filming magazine. I can’t believe it isn’t more famous.

Psycho. Hitchcock. 1960